Total trail mileage: 339.9
Starting location: No Business Knob Shelter
Ending location: Erwin, TN
Weather: Clear and sunny all day. 40-55 degrees during the day
I am at,+-82.447163
Today was another easy hiking day. Only 6 miles or so out to town and
most of it was downhill. However, the town is spread out, so I had to
go another mile or so to get to the hotel.
After dropping my stuff off at my room, I met up with the crew
(everyone from last night except for Dethmarch and Sugarbush) at the
all you can eat pizza joint. The pizza wasn't great pizza but it
didn't matter; it was fantastic. The 8 of us ate the pizzas faster
than they could produce them. I had a half dozen plates piled high
with pizza, salad, and dessert pizza. After that, I picked up a pint
of ice cream and returned to the hotel room for a shower, laundry,
resupply, etc. I consumed the ice cream on top of all the pizza
without even thinking about it. So, I think I am ready for the half
gallon challenge (eat a half gallon of icecream at the half way point).
Later I am headed out to join everyone else for a BBQ and party. I
was thinking about going to see Alice In Wonderland since there is a
theater in town, but it would involve about 7 miles of walking and I
would show up late to the BBQ (how can I miss more food??).
I'll be back on the trail tomorrow, but I am in no rush and don't need
to do too many miles.