Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Day 44 - 4/14

Daily mileage: 11.6
Total trail mileage: 538.8
Starting location: Partnership Shelter
Ending location: Atkins, VA
Weather: hazy in the morning, clear and sunny the rest of the day, 45
degrees in the morning, 55-75 degrees during the day

I am at,+-81.378135

Today was fairly uneventful. The first half of the hike was a taste
of the PA rocks, which my already torn up feet did not enjoy too
much. Then the trail started going through farmland and everything
turned green! Green grass. Green leaves on the trees. The
wildflowers were all over the place.

I got to town in the early afternoon and took care of town chores.
Athos, Mouse, 12%, and Hot Lips are also at The Relax Inn tonight.
After dinner at the Barn Restaurant and a pint of ice cream from the
gas station, I returned to the room to be immobilized in front of the
tv for a while.

I have no idea what the plan for tomorrow is. I will look at the
guidebook in the morning. I can't push the miles until my feet have a
chance to heal.

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