Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 58 - 4/28

Daily mileage: 11.2
Total trail mileage: 730.3
Starting location: Daleville, VA
Ending location: Wilson Creek Shelter
Weather: clear and sunny all day, 55-62 degrees during the day, breezy

I am at,+-79.785531

I broke free from town after breakfast today. Shlep caught back up,
but Dethmarch and Sugarbush were zeroing in town. So, I headed out and
was surprised that my heavy pack (just resupplied) wasn't too bad. My
legs felt good and my feet felt good. Spending the day off was
helpful, but I also got new insoles for my boots. The shoes feel like
new; I just have to ignore the holes in the sides.

I made it to Wilson Creek Shelter by late afternoon. There are a
bunch of people here tonight, mostly new faces. A number of people are
a day or so ahead. I might be able to catch them.

I saw a lot of female mosquitos today. That is not a good sign for the
coming days. I don't think it will be long before the unbearably
annoying swarms of mosquitos are out.

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