Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 101 - 6/24

Daily mileage: 13.1
Total trail mileage: 1374.9
Starting location: After Village Vista Trail
Ending location: New York Thruway 87
Weather: 74 degrees in the morning. 80 - 89 degrees during the day.
Clear and sunny in the morning. Cloudy and thunderstorm in the early
afternoon. Partly cloudy the rest of the day

I am at,+-73.957551

Today was the most challenging day of hiking I have had since
somewhere in Virginia. The trail had a lot of ups and downs and a lot
of big boulder climbs. At one point, the trail practically went
straight up a cliff. Whoever routed the trail in this section was
either sick and twisted or had a sense of humor. I enjoyed it even
though I went slower than normal.

However, NY so far has been the worst maintained state. There were a
number of blow downs that had obviously been there for a long time.
Oh, and I am not the only one who thought the blazes could use
improvement. Snowman wrote in the register that whoever is
responsible for the blazes in this section should be fired.

There was a patch with a ton of blueberries today. The bears in the
area must be lazy. Either that or they weren't willing to climb up
the trail.

There were a bunch of stone fences today and yesterday. Some looked
like property markers or farm fences, but others looked more like
bunkers. I am not sure when they were created.

The thunderstorm caught me off guard today. It was sunny and I didn't
think there was any chance of rain today. I heard some thunder, but
thought it was a passing truck on a nearby road. Then I looked back
and saw the looming cloud. Shortly after it started pouring but the
storm moved through quickly. It did leave the rocks nice and wet,
which made the steep decents tricky and slow going.

I met Patrick's mom near the thruway and she brought me back to her
house. I spent the rest of the day lounging around and Patrick
arrived before dinner. Tomorrow, Patrock and I will head to the trail.

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