Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Day 106 - 6/29

Daily mileage: 22.5
Total trail mileage: 1441.0 (approx)
Starting location: RPH Shelter
Ending location: Before Wiley Shelter
Weather: 74 degrees in the morning. 77 - 84 degrees during the day.
Partly cloudy all day. Breezy at times.

I am at

Today was a million times better than yesterday. I am not sure what
the direct cause was though. I am sure it was some combination of
feeling better (I still have the cold, but it is a lot better today),
the temperature coming down some, the air was drier, I had essentially
a day of rest, I got sufficiently rehydrated, and the trail was
relatively easy today. Any of those could have helped me enjoy the
hiking more. And, I am pretty close to back on my loose plan if I
hadn't taken the day off. So, win-win!

Last night was the first time I actually stayed in a shelter since
Shenandoah. The shelter was one of the nice ones with bunks. I slept
pretty well, especially considering I wasn't in the hammock. I only
woke up a couple times and that was either to add or remove my
sleeping bag (I have been using it as a blanket lately).

I met a day hiker today who was doing some time lapse photography
work. He made me wish for my DSLR, but I don't regret the decision to
leave that at home in favor of a Point and Shoot for this trip. I am
sure I would have damaged it by now, it wouldn't have always been
easily accessible, and it would have been heavy. I hiked up to Cat
Rocks with him, and there was an amazing view from the rocks.

On the topic of cameras, I realized this morning that I had
accidentally left my camera on sunset mode. Oops. A few of the shots
from the past couple days won't come out. Oh, well.

I saw the largest Oak tree along the AT today. It was huge! It has
over a 20 foot circumference. Each branch was bigger than most other
trees' trunks out here.

I came out to the "Appalachian Trail Train Stop", a stop on one of the
lines into New York City. The platform consisted of plywood and 2x4s
and was very small. It looked like somebody built it as a joke, but
it is a real stop.

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