Monday, June 21, 2010

Day 98 - 6/21

Daily mileage: 17.2
Total trail mileage: 1328.8
Starting location: Viewpoint after Jacob's Ladder Trail
Ending location: High Point Shelter
Weather: 71 degrees in the morning. 79 - 84 degrees during the day.
Clear and sunny all day

I am at,+-74.666803

Today was yet another fantastic day. Slowing down a bit has opened up
a number of options that I don't have when I am just trying to do as
many miles as possible. It makes the trip even more enjoyable.

I did manage to wake up for sunrise. I almost missed the best
colors. It was brilliant although I miscalculated where the sun was
going to appear by a bit. I was still tired, so after the sun came
up, I went back to sleep for a couple hours.

Then, I hiked up to another firetower. It was really clear today so I
could see for miles. And, I was able to see the High Point monument
down the ridgeline. I stopped at the next shelter, met two section
hikers, and found out that there was a place to swim near High Point.

I also found out that I probably wasn't supposed to camp where I did
last night; I am supposed to only camp near the shelters through this
area (nuts, I was going to try to avoid the shelters for a while).
This messes me up if I am going to follow the rules. The next several
shelters are all about 12 miles apart. So, either I do a really short
day or a long day. If I am going to stick with the shelters, 2 out of
the next 3 days will be short and 1 will be long.

I reached High Point and decided to go swimming. I took the side
trail down and found out it led to the opposite side of the lake from
the swim area. So, I started to follow the road around the lake. The
problem was that the road wasn't going to the swim area, although I
could see it. So, I bushwacked down the hill. The picnicers probably
thought I was a wild animal emerging from the forest.

So, I went for a swim (taking care of laundry at the same time!) and
ate dinner there while I dried in the sun. After, I got back on
trail. Thanks to the cool water and getting somewhat more clean, I
felt like I could run a marathon (and I wouldn't be surprised if I
actually could).

It was getting dark, but I wanted to see the sunset from the High
Point monument so I took the side trail up to there. Again, what an
amazing view and I got talking to a couple who are from the area. I
ran down the sidetrail back to my pack and hiked the remaining
distance to the shelter before it got dark.

Unfortunately, I didn't see any more bears today. I know, I know, it
is Monday and most of them had to go back to work. But, I figured
there would still be a few out. I did, however, see a porcupine
waddle off the trail. I didn't realize they lived this far South.

So, I think I am planning on a really short day tomorrow. I am going
to head into Unionville to get lunch and hopefully watch one of the
soccer games. But, plans may change.

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