Sunday, May 9, 2010

Day 69 - 5/09

Daily mileage: 13.2
Total trail mileage: 886.3
Starting location: Blackrock Hut
Ending location: Pinefield Hut
Weather: clear and sunny all day, 40 degrees in the morning, 48-65
degrees during the day, windy in the afternoon

I am at,+-78.648422

The weather today was perfect for hiking. It was a bit cooler and all
the bugs went away :). It probably did drop close to freezing last
night, so that probably helped.

We took advantage of the Shenandoah "wilderness" today. There are a
few Waysides in the park, which have food at them. So, we took a half
mile side trail down to have burgers and blackberry milkshakes. Yep,
probably going to hit a few more of those.

The trail today had more vistas than yesterday. It was more of a
ridge hike than a forest hike. Blackrock Mountain had a rocky summit
with 360 degree views.

Unfortunately, Heeten is going to stop tomorrow. He was doing well
but got a few blisters and is exhausted.

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