Total trail mileage: 902.9
Starting location: Pinefield Hut
Ending location: Baldface Mountain
Weather: clear and sunny all day, 45 degrees in the morning, 50-60
degrees during the day
I am at,+-78.500916
After getting up in the morning, we realized that Ken had come in
during the night. I hadn't seen him in a while and wasn't expecting
him to catch up.
The Ridgerunner (Midnight) had offered to drive Heeten back to his car
since he was headed in that direction anyway. So, as soon as he was
ready to go, I took off down the trail. My dad had previously started.
The weather was again perfect for hiking and the trail was very well
graded. I made good progress up to the next shelter and we decided to
continue further.
The hike today was again mostly in the forest. I kept trying to look
for bear, but sadly still no luck. There were a couple times that I
heard something, but it turned out to be a very noisy bird or a deer.
Everyone else seems to be seeing plenty of bears, so I am not sure
what I am doing wrong :(
My dad and I camped out on top of one of the mountains. Tomorrow we
will continue the wilderness experience. The question is: do we go to
one restaurant, two restaurants, or a restaurant and a resort for the
night? Really, the rest of the trail has not been like this, so it is
kinda like a vacation from the trail.
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