Total trail mileage: 990.7
Starting location: Jim & Molly Denton Shelter
Ending location: Sam Moore Shelter
Weather: clear and sunny all day, 60 degrees in the morning, 65-75
degrees during the day
I am at,+-77.964745
I had my first encounter with a rattlesnake today. Unfortunately it
did not go so well. I met a section hiker with his two dogs as he was
starting out. He went up ahead since I was spending some time looking
at my guidebook. Before long I caught up to him as he was watching a
rattlesnake in the middle of the trail. I then noticed that one of
the dogs had a bloody nose. We figured that he must have gotten
scared and ran into the brambles. But then I was walking behind the
dog and noticed that his leg was shaking a little. And then he
started to really slow down. He sat down on the side of the trail and
then threw up. His nose looked slightly swollen. So, I looked up dog
symptoms of a rattlesnake bite on my phone. The list didn't match
exactly the symptoms but it was close enough to warrant concern. The
hiker decided to turn around and go find the nearest vet. I hope Levi
(the dog) is alright.
There were a million day hikers out today. It is almost like I am
near a large city on a weekend with nice weather. Oh, right...
I am half way through "The Roller Coaster". This section is named
that because of the number of ascents and descents. I must be missing
something though. It is just like the rest of the trail. When it is
done going up, it goes down; when it is done going down, it goes up.
I am not sure where I am headed tomorrow. I want to get as close to
Harpers Ferry as I can, so I can make the train back home Monday
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