Friday, July 2, 2010

Day 109 - 7/02

Daily mileage: 13.3
Total trail mileage: 1489.4
Starting location: Sharon Mountain Campsite
Ending location: Salisbury, CT
Weather: 57 degrees in the morning. 66 degrees during the day. Clear
and sunny all day.

I am at,+-73.436012

Ugh, I ended up doing the road walk. I got up really early and made
it down to the bridge before long. But, there were signs saying the
trail is rerouted until further notice, the old blazes were removed,
and I didn't see an easy way to cross the bridge. So, I walked the
detour. No, it was not fun. But, it wasn't as bad as I was fearing.
I think it only added a mile or two to the mileage my guidebook lists.

After the detour, the trail went along really cool waterfalls. It is
the largest set of waterfalls I have seen all trip. There were a
number of side trails leading out to the river.

A large part of the forest today consisted of primarily pine trees.
Now that I am moving North, I will likely see more and more pine
forests. This is the type of hiking I typically imagine when I think
of hiking.

I got out to the town of Salisbury before noon. It is a nice, small
town with a lot of tea and coffee shops. Everything is concentrated
so I don't have to walk too far to anywhere. I am staying at
Vanessa's house. She has a couple beds that she rents out to hikers.

Everyone keeps saying that there are a ton of thruhikers right behind
me, but I have yet to see the crowds. I have been seeing a number of
new faces each day, but not the numbers that I have been told to
expect. This is good; I don't want to be swarmed with people. If I
did, I might as well go back to Bear Mountain. Oh, wait...I cross
another Bear Mountain tomorrow.

Back on the trail in the morning.

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