Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 116 - 7/09

Daily mileage: 21.6
Total trail mileage: 1611.4
Starting location: Seth Warner Shelter
Ending location: Goddard Shelter
Weather: 67 degrees in the morning. 73-84 degrees during the day.
Cloudy and foggy in the morning. Partly cloudy the rest of the day

I am at,+-73.071979

It is interesting to go through these sections that I have gone
through before. The descent down to Rt 9 and the climb out from Rt 9
did not feel as steep as I remember. On the Long Trail trip there was
a peak that we thought we reached several times; on this trip I barely
recognized that I was going up a hill. I passed a spot where we had
breakfast on the Long Trail hike and where I had a snack on a previous
trip. The climb up to Goddard Shelter wasn't bad at all.

The hike today was pretty easy. So far Vermont is just as great as I
remember. It is nice to have sections with very few rocks. I can see
though why people say Vermont is very muddy. It has been a dry year
this year and there have already been many spots of mud. It is not
bad at all, but it is more muddy than any of the other states I have
passed through so far.

The temperature cooled a little, but it was still too hot. So, I
stopped at the brook by Rt 9. The water wasn't quite as cold as the
brook yesterday.

I flushed a whole lot of grouse today. At one point half a dozen
started flying in all different directions. One was acting injured
and whining like a dog. I am guessing it was trying to pull me away
from the nest. I haven't seen grouse for a while.

I hope I can get a view from the firetowers on Glastenbury and
Stratton tomorrow.

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