Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 135 - 7/28

Daily mileage: 14.1
Total trail mileage: 1840.5
Starting location: Zealand Falls Hut
Ending location: Mizpah Spring Hut
Weather: 71-86 degrees during the day. Partly cloudy all day. Windy
at the summits.

I am at,+-71.369802

Phew, what a long day. Ok, that was a bit of sarcasm. It was just
the longest mileage day I have had for a while. But, the trail was
actually fairly easy today.

I got up, ate breakfast, and did my assigned chores (some sweeping and
cleaning up the bathrooms). It didn't take long and I was on the
trail by 9. I have to say though that the Croo at Zealand Falls Hut
were the least welcoming to thruhikers so far at the huts. They were
nice and all, but they treated us more like second rate guests and
less like new Croo members.

The trail down from Zealand Falls Hut was really nice. It was smooth
and free of roots and rocks. It was the easiest couple of miles so
far in the Whites. I made really good time down to the notch.

And then there was the up to Webster. That was a steep climb. The
top of the climb was great though, as there was a perfectly clear view
of the ridgeline over to Mt. Washington. This has been a ridiculously
nice stretch of weather for us. Hopefully that continues for another
couple days.

The rest of the hike over to Greenleaf Hut was fairly easy. Again, I
was able to get a work for stay position. The Croo tonight was a
group of volunteers giving the normal Croo two days off. So, there
were more than enough people in the kitchen and they didn't need any
help tonight. Mexico and Meno are with me again tonight. Dream
Catcher (DC) was looking pretty sick all day so he stayed down at the
notch tonight.

After dinner I was talking with a Southbounder (Birdie) for a while
and we shared tidbits about the trail moving forward. Then, Magician
(we gave him his trail name for when he eventually hikes the AT) did a
number of magic tricks with a deck of cards. He is amazing and I
don't have the slightest idea about how he does the tricks.

So, 5 for 5 on the huts and I am probably just headed over to Lake of
the Clouds tomorrow night. It is just 5 miles but it will put me
right below Mt. Washington.

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