Total trail mileage: 1654.2
Starting location: Rt 11 & 30
Ending location: Baker Peak
Weather: 72-77 degrees during the day. Cloudy all day. Rain in the
I am at,+-72.964055
I got a late start (as expected), but it turned out to actually be
pretty good timing. The rain stopped by the time I started. It was
still cloudy all day, but at least I wasn't getting wet. Although, I
do kinda want to test my new rain jacket. I know, I know, it will
rain soon enough.
I got somewhat of a view from Bromley. Not the best, but
significantly better than the last time I was there. The last time it
was torrential downpour and visibility was quite poor.
I just spent the last two days going through my gear and seeing what
needed to be cleaned, repaired, or replaced. So, of course, on the
first day out I lose my bite valve for my water bladder. It must have
gotten caught on a branch and pulled off. Fortunately I have an on/
off valve so the water doesn't just pour out. On the otherhand, I
would have known about the missing bite valve much sooner. I was
going to go back to find it, but it could have been up to 2 miles
back. Oh well, I'll pick up a new one at the next outfitter and use
the on/off valve until then.
I ran into someone (AJ) who my dad and I had hiked with during the
Long Trail hike. The last time I saw him we were on Mt Mansfield. He
and his friend Adam were waiting up for a friend. I also ran into
that same friend today. It turns out she is the caretaker for
Griffith Lake.
I am camping right near Baker Peak. I went back to the peak for the
sunset and dinner. As I was making dinner a cloud rolled through
completely blocking the view. But then it started to thin and the
cloud turned various shades of yellow and orange thanks to the
sunlight. After it cleared, I got an awesomely interesting sunset
with the mountains all around me, the clouds passing below me and
above me, and the light bouncing off the clouds. This was probably my
best set of photos of the entire trip so far. I wish I had my real
camera :(
Spending the last two days bug-free and bug-noise-free was nice...
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