Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 134 - 7/27

Daily mileage: 7.0
Total trail mileage: 1826.4
Starting location: Greenleaf Hut
Ending location: Zealand Falls Hut
Weather: 61-75 degrees during the day. Clear and sunny all day. Windy.

Today was another easy day. After getting up, helping wash breakfast
dishes, eating breakfast, and doing a few work chores, I got hiking.
It was the earliest I left one of the huts so far.

The hike today wasn't bad at all. So, I had to through in a side trip
over to West Bond Mountain. I didn't quite make it to Bond Cliffs,
but I was able to see the cliffs from the peak. Yes, that was a
really awesome place to sit and look around.

The weather today was unbelievable for the Whites. Early on it was
somewhat typical; there was 1 cloud in the sky and it was hovering
over Mt. Washington. But then even that cloud disappeared. The
Whites don't have very many days like this a year. I was sitting at
Zeacliffs and a hiker said he had been to that point 29 days so far
this year. Today was the first time he was able to see Mt. Washington.

I made it over to Zealand Falls Hut and was able to get a work for
stay position. 4 for 4 on the huts so far. I might be able to do the
8 hut challenge. After dinner, we did a "Nature Talk", which involved
answering questions about thru-hiking.

Tomorrow will have to be a "long" day. I need to do some work at the
hut in the morning and then head over to Mizpah Hut. It is about 14
miles from here. Hopefully I am able to stay there tomorrow night.

I am having a lot of fun in the Whites.

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