Sunday, August 8, 2010

Day 146 - 8/08

Daily mileage: 20.7
Total trail mileage: 1945.2
Starting location: Surplus Pond
Ending location: Bemis Stream
Weather: 51 degrees in the morning. 64 - 71 degrees during the day.
Cloudy all day. Drizzle in the early evening.

I did a 20 mile day! It has been a long time since I have hiked more
than 20 miles in a day (without checking I think the last time was in
Vermont). And, as far as 20+ milers go, today probably had the
toughest terrain. There were a number of long and steep climbs and
descents (Wyman Mountain, Moody Mountain, Old Blue Mountain) and a
bunch of smaller climbs. But, for the most part the trail was nice
today. This was probably the last time I will do a 20-mile day for
the rest of the trip.

I crossed two streams today that are usually fords. I rock-hopped
them. People said the water has been chest high before at both
streams. I am hoping that means the rest of the fords coming up will
also be easy to cross.

In the early evening it started to drizzle. Once it started raining a
little harder I decided to stop and put on rain gear. After I got my
rain coat out of my pack and my pack cover half on, the rain stopped.
If I always had my rain gear on it would never rain.

At the first shelter today the chipmunks were all over the place. One
was eating something off the ground and was maybe 3 feet from me. The
whole time it was watching me and if I made any movement it would dart
away. One chipmunk found a candy wrapper that someone had left. It
was crawling inside and throwing it around trying to find food.

I might try to get part way up Saddleback tomorrow, but I'll see what
the trail is like.

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