Total trail mileage: 2061.3
Starting location: After Moxie Bald Mountain
Ending location: Blue blaze to Monson
Weather: Thunderstorm last night. 65 degrees in the morning. 70 -
82 degrees during the day. Clear and sunny all day.
I am at,+-69.499955
Ugh, I missed a moose sighting. If I continued the last mile in the
dark last night I would have made it to the shelter. Those that were
there saw a moose at 5:30 in the morning.
Today had the first required ford for me that wasn't just a rock hop.
It was only up to my ankle, but most of the fords didn't involve me
getting wet at all. This has been a drought year for Maine, so all
the streams and rivers are very low.
I was going to go to the next road crossing before going into Monson
(another 3 miles), but I would have missed the post office time. So,
I decided to do the 3 miles tomorrow. On the last stretch I ran into
the guy that works at the hostel that I met in the Whites and in
Stratton. He gave me a ride into town.
I saw so many hikers in town that I expected to be much further
ahead. They are all faster hikers, and I had taken the zero and
nero. I have no idea how I caught up.
I had dinner at the pub which turned into hanging out which turned
into drinks. My food ended up being free since they took a while to
bring it out (they were distracted with the Health Inspector coming
through). So, I just had to pay for dessert and drinks. I finally
left as they were closing down. And, I still need to do laundry.
I want to stay at Cloud Pond, which is a bit over 20 miles from here.
So, either tomorrow will be a long day or I will have two short days.
I have enough time to do either, so it all depends on when I get out
in the morning.
Drew- I reserved my Parking spot for next Wednesday, so I will see you and your dad in the parking lot at 8 am. It's going to be a long day!