Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 147 - 8/09

Daily mileage: 15.7
Total trail mileage: 1960.9
Starting location: Bemis Stream
Ending location: Piazza Rock Lean-to
Weather: Rain last night. 67 degrees in the morning. 68 - 73 degrees
during the day. Cloudy in the morning. Partly cloudy in the
afternoon. Thunder in the evening.

I am at,+-70.721852

Today had a lot of ponds. I passed at least a half dozen today. At
one of the ponds there was a sandy beach. It was cold, but it was too
good to pass up. So, I had to go swimming. And then I sat around for
a while as I dried off.

There was also a lot of mud today. There were a number of bog
bridges. Some were using other bridges for support. Some were
floating in the water and mud at one end, so when you stepped on it
the bridge would go under water. In one spot, I stepped on a log,
another bridge started sinking, and a third started twisting. It was
like the staircases in Harry Potter. But, all in all it wasn't too bad
and I didn't get too wet or muddy.

I got to the Lean-to along with Apple Juice, Smokestack, Scout, and
Iceman. I decided to stay in the shelter for the first time in a very
long time since it looked like it was about to storm and I didn't feel
like setting up my hammock.

Tomorrow I head up Saddleback Mountain. Hopefully there are good
views in the morning.

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